A game blog for grown ups (sorta).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

RustBot and Other Projects

So another part of my life besides video games is music. I am right now a part time musician with a budding production company. We already have contracts and money from some local Boston acts and I will be spending a lot of time in SpeakEZStudios making some extra coin. Of all the pop and hip-hop projects we have lined up the project I am most excited about is working on the sound for an independent game my friend is working on called RustBot.

The game will be about scavenging materials and mechanical pieces and assembling them into machines, structures, robots, and whatever else you need to achieve your goals. I have volunteered (hopefully there will be a little scratch in there for me eventually) to write music and make sound effects. I am really psyched to get started as soon as I can.

Because of the kind of steampunk, patchwork robot theme I am definitely feeling a lot of noise beats, synthy and distorted bass lines and arps, and definitely some cool ambient pads and sweeping effects. Doing beeps and boops for the robotic creations will also be really exciting. Seeing as though I have no coding ability it will be a great experience for me to be part of at least some process.

The goal is to have a rough, pre-alpha build put together by PAX so we can start showing it off and getting feedback. Stay tuned for more!

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